Unknown Poland

No visit to Poland is complete without a visit to Warsaw. The capital of the neighboring country is beautiful and will surely enchant you with its many attractions. But let\’s go with you to some of Poland\’s other interesting cities that you would be remiss not to visit. Poland is so close that a long weekend is all you need to visit. You can easily reach Poland by car, train, or bus. The choice is yours.



The romantic city of Wroclaw is the fourth largest city in Poland. The oldest town is located on the island of Tuma, where beautiful historical buildings and churches attract tourists. While in Wroclaw, take a sightseeing cruise on the Oder River. The route passes through the historical center, offering not only a romantic cruise but also an unusual view of the city. In the heart of the city is the main market square, Linek, which literally comes alive. Don\’t miss the beautiful flower market.


Dine at “Piwnica Świdnicka”, the oldest restaurant in Europe, open since 1275. There are also many small pubs and restaurants.

“Walking through the streets of Wroclaw, you will be amazed by the dwarfs that are everywhere. They are small and represent various features of human beings.”


Krakow is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. Its atmosphere is reminiscent of Vienna\’s royal palaces and artistic Florence. The charm of the district lies not only in the old cemeteries and synagogues, but also in the many cafes, restaurants, and stores that have a charm all their own.

The heart of the city is the Royal Castle of Wawel Hill, which was the residence of Polish kings from the 11th to the 17th century. The castle houses the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and the Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. Below Wawel Hill is Poland\’s most famous cave, the “Dragon\’s Hole,” where, according to legend, there once was a seven-headed dragon. This cave was overcome by King Krak, after whom the town is named.


“If you don\’t care about history and are a shopping fanatic, Krakow will satisfy you. The Krakowska Shopping Gallery is known for its great prices. 30]


“Lodz,” also known as “Poland\’s Manchester,” is another Polish city worth visiting. After the destruction of Warsaw after World War II, Lodz became an important cultural center in Poland. To this day, the city is the center of Polish cinema and is home to a famous film school that has produced directors such as Andrzej Wydane and Roman Polanski. Piotrkowska Street, with its Art Nouveau buildings, bars, and cafes, is a must-see. Various museums also offer interesting information about the culture, art, and life in the neighboring country.